
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

awkward silence.

i talk.
sometimes, i'd like to think most of the time, i stay on topic. i listen to what is being said, i respond accordingly with much thought put into my response. i enjoy conversation. so when an instance like today occurs it jumps out to me.

i talked. i started making a point. i made the point. and then something else came. this verbal diarrhea that would not let up. i began by telling a story of my recent bout with road rage (which is unnecessary to ever recount again) and the next thing i know i am talking about my educational philosophy and then jumped right into another story of the time i ended up talking to a Ralph Macchio-esque detective at the 88th precinct in Brooklyn (which i will choose to share at another time).

it was at this point that i stopped. horrified that i had just spoken, only stopping to inhale air quickly so as not to suffocate, for the last 4 minutes straight. i had no idea what the original point even was.

awkward silence.

perhaps the next introductory sentence to a blog entry of this sort should begin: i listen. that's a safer way to go.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't sweat it, you were probably multi-tasking at the time, no one can really multi-task and be on top of their game... haha

Jen said...

i think you are excellent at talking and even better at listening. so there.