
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

appreciating and encouraging

being appreciated is such an incredible thing. sadly, it is not our first instinct to encourage and share appreciation. more often, we tend to tell people what they are doing wrong, how they can fix what they do, how a situation can be rectified, or how we would do it differently.

it's so unfortunate because appreciating and encouraging helps us to work harder, to be happier, to want to do better. why can't we tell other people what we love in them? why can't we share what qualities they possess that we admire?

today i got an email from a parent thanking me. it made me grateful for people who appreciate. for people who might think something and instead of turn to the person next to them and tell them what they like in you, they turn to tell you instead.

hearing things like that makes you want to turn around and do the same thing.

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