
Thursday, June 9, 2011

the crazy lady.

You know the person who comes up to you at events, weddings, or parties - who is just a little too eccentric, they might be the ones that speak to themselves, laugh more at their own jokes and comments than anyone else does, and kind of just march to their own rhythm?
You ask yourself - who is this strange person? You interact to be kind, all the while wondering what you have to do to get out of the conversation.

Well, I have a stinking suspicion that at the last event I was at - I WAS THAT PERSON. The weird lady who keeps talking - I couldn't control myself! I kept giving one explanation after another, as if I had to explain the random, ridiculous phrase that had just left my lips. But with each sentence it grew worse. I KNEW that I should stop - my internal dialogue was stating, LOUD AND CLEAR, that this is not the right time...don't say that...who cares, no one needs to know this...

But I kept going.

I saw eyes glaze over and strange expressions pass across faces. I provided some meaningless joke to segway and then continued on to the next guest.

Inexcusable really.
I couldn't believe that I was THAT girl at the party. Hope this is just a passing phase.

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