
Sunday, April 24, 2011


Seven years ago I left this place. This place that was home to me for three years. Three years that I will guard and cherish in my memories forever. It was in these three years that I created bonds of friendship that still remain unchanged; I strengthened my Faith; I realized my own potential. In these three years I drew closer to my Creator through prayer and through service. I learned that these two things, when done in unison, could be the means of the survival of my soul.

I was touched by the people I met. I was humbled by the opportunities I was given. I was made grateful for the experiences I had had.

Seven years ago I left this place. And leave it again tomorrow knowing I will not be returning for some time. I watch my parents, who have now lived here for five years, begin to process their own departure. The same good-byes, finalities, moments attempted to be captured by film, are all the same. Knowing you are leaving makes you appreciate every little thing even more. I watch them do their "lasts", watch them laugh with their new friends, the way I had with mine.

This time the farewell is so hard. Almost, although not quite as teary as, my own. There is a deep, deep sadness inside me that feels the loss my parents feel. That knows this is the last time for a while that my feet will touch these red and white tiles. It will be the last time for a while that I will touch the marble walls, rest my forehead on the ornate carpets adorning the floors, breath the jasmine in the air while looking out onto the Mediterranean. There is nothing, NOTHING like this in the world. My heart aches for the knowledge of it's next visit. Longs, yearns, and hopes that that day will come soon.

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