
Sunday, February 12, 2012

business adds to craziness.

weekends become a time to catch up on life and a time to catch up with friends and family.
and when you have many friends and family who live overseas, weekends become skype times which can only happen at odd hours of the day.
so trying to get ready to meet friends in real time while having a conversation with someone in time zone time, makes it really hard to have your entire brain present.
add to that the paraphernalia of gathering up winter items before you leave the house, and you're a goner.
grabbed my coat, my hat, my purse. add the camera, sunnies!, gloves, scarf. birthday gift!
out the door.
catch a cab.
still talking on the phone.
"13th and 3rd please."

almost there, a block away...
fish for my wallet.
take the entire contents of my purse out and dump it on the backseat of the cab.
no, nnnoooo, NNOOO!!!
"um, um, sir?"
no response.
"um, sir...i, i, i forgot my wallet."
Scrreeeeccchhhhh. He hit the brakes.
"i'm so so sorry. honestly, i have no idea how this even happened. um, ok, i will pay you. i just can't pay you now."
looks at me over the rim of his glasses, he's not buying it.
"listen, i promise. i swear. give me your address, i'll send you money. i'm so sorry - i have no idea how this even happened." the tears start to form.
he releases the brake, begins driving.
"ok, just give me your address - i'll send you the money - i PROMISE i will."
"ok, ok, i know, ok."

gets me, safe and sound, to my destination.
writes down his address and says - $12.50.
"i'll send you $20, thank you sir, thank you."

jump out the car. relieved that what they say about New Yorkers isn't true.
walk towards the restaurant trying to figure out HOW i'm going to make it through the rest of the day.

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