
Thursday, April 12, 2007


There are moments in your life, I can recall one most recently, where you feel utterly and completely confirmed. Your connection with Him is so intense and your prayers so precise, that when you recieve the direct response to them, you are completely humbled. And awed. It's something you can't even really explain or put a finger on. And when you try you sound like a complete lunatic. But you know that when it happens, when you feel it, when you are witness to your own confirmation, a feeling of reassurance washes over you and things are clear once again.


Hoda Etemad's Professional Portfolio said...

Yes- I completely know what you mean.

Kim said...

Sabha! I didn't know you had a blog -- I loved reading throgh it. Blog more, please! :)

Kim said...

...throUgh it.

martha said...

i miss those moments. maybe i'm not praying enough.